Children Organized to Develop Essential Life Skills (CODELS)

Improve the quality of life for children by teaching vocational skills, communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills, that will empower and encourage children and foster high self-esteem. The development of these skills will promote independence and a better standard of living for all children.

Two girls hugging and smiling

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future"

John F. Kennedy 

What We Do

We at CODELS are here to help your children go from Striving to Thriving by providing educational resources and opportunities to under privileged youth.


Are you passionate about uplifting children? Becoming a mentor is just one way to make a difference in the lives of children. We are looking for volunteers to mentor and help with empowering the next generation through life-skill building, arts and crafts and educational resources.


Your contribution will help fund the activities of the organization by contributing direct funds or by purchasing our merchandise directly from our site.